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WHo WE are

We are a family committed to living out Jesus Christ's call to discipleship by:


SEEKING GOD with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.

This is our active response to the greatest commandment and it reflects other exhortations in the Bible to seek God with all that we are. This "seeking with everything that we’ve got” includes experiencing the God who engages our deepest emotions, having an attitude/posture of desire and expectation, longing to grow in a biblical understanding of God, and seeking in a way that’s lived out through our actions.   


SEEKING GROWTH into closeness and conformity with Christ by the Holy Spirit.

For disciples of Jesus, there is an unbreakable relationship between true closeness to him and true conformity with him. And our call to lifelong transformation into closeness and conformity with Jesus is only possible by the Holy Spirit, who guides us, empowers us and brings us maturity as disciples.    

Growth into closeness with Christ [drawing nearer to Jesus] Our relationship with Jesus is described with familial love language. We are invited to draw near to God as He draws near to us, to abide in Jesus as he abides in us,  and (as a church) to answer his knock on the door and invite him to commune with us. 

Growth into conformity with Christ [becoming more like Jesus] We are called to be imitators of Christ, walk the way Jesus walked, have his servant attitude, follow his example, and obey his commandments.  


SEEKING GOOD for our neighbours through service and the gospel.

The Bible tells us that God’s love for people is expressed by us through two biblical “kinds” of good:  the practice of good works (service) and the proclamation of the Good News (the gospel.)  

Our good works shine for people in a way that can help lead them to glorify the God whose love and grace we are demonstrating to others.

The Good News is the means of identifying and addressing people’s greatest need -eternal separation from God because of our sin. This Good News proclaims God’s loving provision for this need– eternal and abundant life in relationship with God because of Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection.  


We believe that both the good news and good works are indispensable to biblical Christian witness.

the gospel

We believe that a right and deep understanding of the gospel is central to how we understand and experience who God is, what he has done for us, and the mission he calls us to. 


It is our encouragement to you, to have a gospel definition/understanding close to your heart and mind that you can preach daily to yourself, and be prepared to share with others.


The gospel is the good news that God, who is more holy than we can imagine, looked upon with compassion, people, who are more sinful than we would possibly admit, and sent Jesus into history to establish His Kingdom and reconcile people and the world to himself. Jesus, whose love is more extravagant than we can measure, came to sacrificially die for us so that, by His death and resurrection, we might gain through His grace what the Bible defines as new and eternal life.*



*This gospel definition is borrowed from pastor/teacher Ed Stetzer. Use this link to other gospel definitions to find a definition that captures the essence of the gospel in a way that resonates with you.


Our Team

These are the faces you'll see in and around the church, so if you see any of them, don't hesitate to say hello and introduce yourself as we can't wait to meet you!

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Megan Py



Alana hall


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Erwin Van Ramshorst


Image by Egor Litvinov

Lissa deen


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